Cuenca y Blanco (IPCPR 2012)

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Cuenca y Blanco (IPCPR 2012)

Lots of Drew Estate/Joya de Nicaragua coverage this year on Stogie Review. You’d think they sponsored our IPCPR coverage too…I kid I kid. I actually sent Brian Hewitt back to the booth to get Jose Blanco, or Jonathan Drew or someone from the booth to answer the “blogger” question since he forgot earlier. Hewitt got lucky and this time around Jose Blanco is joined by Dr. Alejandro Cuenca to talk a little more about Cuenca y Blanco from his perspective. It is safe to say that Cuenca y Blanco was one of, if not the, darling of the show.

4 thoughts on “Cuenca y Blanco (IPCPR 2012)

  1. Another great video. Jose seems like an awesome guy and a great teacher. I’d love to go down there and take a multi-week course from him on how to age and blend tobacco. How cool would that be?!?!

  2. Jerry, Brian, Walt,,

    Guys, IMHO you had the best coverage of IPCPR 2012; in fact, you put the others to shame. FYI, I have a 5 pack of the CyB on the way.


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