IPCPR 2013: Bloodline Cigars

Events4 Comments on IPCPR 2013: Bloodline Cigars

IPCPR 2013: Bloodline Cigars

In this video, Brian is introduced to BloodLine Cigars and learns about a very interesting product. The product is Soft Crush and it features a process which extracts oils from the tobacco leaf (much like the first pressing of olive oil). The oils are driven into the tips of the leaf and the veins, creating a unique flavor profile.

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4 thoughts on “IPCPR 2013: Bloodline Cigars

  1. These cigars are AWESOME! If you get a chance ask your retailer to pick these up. I like the Habano Bloodline and it is very good. Not too powerful either, but so full of flavor!
    Lucky for me, I live in Fresno and can get these sticks at his shop. Mica is a great man and he is onto something special with these cigars.
    Highly – Highly recommend you get some of these!!!
    Tony F.

  2. I ran into a friend of the owner at Mickey Blake’s tonight and he was telling me about these cigars. Sounds interesting and I’m anxious to try them out. We’re supposed to be getting some samples to see if we want to pick them up for the shop. Best of luck!

  3. I’m at my b&m now, smoking a Bloodline Toro. They were having a buy 1, get 2 free deal. At $12 a stick, final cost was $4 each. This is a great stick.Recommended.

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