A couple of weeks ago, Jerry and I received a surprise email from a Stogie Review Fan. This individual was curious as to why he was no longer receiving email updates for new cigar reviews. When the email came through, my first thought was “Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen an email update on some time either”.
As Jerry and I looked into the situation, it became clear that our Feedburner Email Subscription Service had stopped working. Unable to jump-start the service into working again, we began looking at alternatives.
We decieded to go the KISS Route (Keep It Simple Stupid) and setup WordPress Email Subscriptions. The huge downside to this was that all of our current email subscribers would be lost (unable to import them). Despite having to start out all over again, we thought the WordPress Route was the way to go.
The upside is that we won’t have to purge out old email addresses and readers wouldn’t suddenly be thrown into a new service without accepting (we value your privacy and wouldn’t want our personal information transferred from one service to another). This route also gives us a great opportunity to run a contest.
Entry is simple. All you have to do is sign up to receive email updates from Stogie Review! On May 1st, we’ll draw a name from the subscriber list (at random) and they will win a Cain F Table Torch.
You are probably wondering, “But Walt, there are two lighters in the picture. Whats up with that?” Well, I’m glad you asked!. When going through my cigar stuff, looking for a prize for this contest, I also came across a Cain Table Torch. If you’d like to double your chances at winning a Table Torch, hop on over to Walt In PA for details on how to win the Cain Table Torch.
Walt, i am following Stogie Review from Hangzhou, China. Not sure if i qualify for the contest, but i am looking forward to the email updates. Would also like to take this opportunity, to thank all the members of Stogie Review for their passionate contributions. Much appreciated!
Not sure if us Canadians qualify but signed up anyways lol, love the site.
Cigar smoking up here is definitely a little tougher, weve got 200% tobacco tax. Usually your guys’ $4-5 cigars are $17-20 here lol. The limited editions are $50-60 a smoke!
Hell i was quoted $265 for a box of 25 Imperiales Maduro short robusto cigars (would love to see that review, theyre a cheapy but i like em)
Hey Walt, FYI, the subscribe button is not working on the app.
Also, are you ever going to fix the text – feature on the app for us far-sighted folks?
Glad to see you back doing regular posts!
Thanks for the heads up. I’m not sure why the button isn’t working in the app but I’ll look into a solution.
We are talking about completely overhauling the app but I’ve filed a trouble ticket with the developer, in the meantime.
Normally we like to limit contests to regions we can easily ship to (in other words – anyplace that doesn’t require us to fill out customs forms) but since I neglected to mention that in the initial post, we won’t be restricting entries.
Thanks to everyone that has entered so far. Keep those entries rolling in!
nice, im in!!
I just sent my email address ”again” not sure it got done last week, did not get any news letters. Thanks
A winner has been randomly selected and contacted
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed