Get Your Booger Hooker Off The Bang Switch

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Get Your Booger Hooker Off The Bang Switch

Perdomos Pistol and Pizza PartyAbout seven or eight years ago I had my first experience with guns. It turned out to be a lot of fun and ultimately lead me down the rabbit hole. I went from shooting a gun for fun to buying my first gun, to getting licensed to carry, to shooting competitively, and so on and so forth.

One aspect of the cigar community that has fascinated me over the years is just how many cigar smokers are also into guns. It isn’t uncommon for me to walk into my local cigar shop and find that more people are carrying a gun than not. That may strike some as being frightening but it makes me feel like I’m in the safest place around.

Despite guns being a common interest in the cigar shops that I’ve frequented over the years, I’ve never seen the two tied together into a single event. Sure, there have been jokes about a cigar event at the range but I’ve never seen a formal event until a couple of weeks ago on Facebook.

I believe it was posted by our friend Barry Stein from Two Guys Smoke Shop, but it was a flyer for a Perdomo Cigars Event featuring Nick Perdomo posing with a 1911. For $39.99 per person you get to attend the Perdomo’s Pistol and Pizza Party. 2 Cigars, Food, Drink, Gun Rental, Ammo, and a Safety Class all for under $40 – not only is it an awesome event, it’s a steal!

Seeing these sort of non-standard events is a breath of fresh air. Buy 2 Get 1 Free is becoming very tired and I think local shops need to dig a little deeper into their toolbox to find something that gets the customers excited. I think this particular event is a great step in the right direction.

Does Your Local Shop Host
Events that are outside of the norm?

enjoying cigars since 2005

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