Celebratory Cigars and the Meaning Behind Them

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Celebratory Cigars and the Meaning Behind Them

Mi Querida Cigar and Zaya Rum

A few weeks ago, I was sitting at my computer when an alert popped up. I had received an automated email from Indeed. Someone had found an old copy of my resume and wanted to contact me in regards to a job opening.

Ordinarily, I simply delete messages like these but I was in an optimistic mood and clicked through. Before long I was on the phone with a recruiter discussing my experience as a drafter / designer in the woodworking business.

One thing lead to another and I found myself sitting across a conference table from a man looking to hire someone with my skillset. The interview went very well and I was impressed with the facility. In the span of two hours, I went from being a man that was passively looking for new job opportunities to someone that really wanted this role in the company.

A couple of days later, I got a call with an official offer for the position. After accepting, I made the short drive down to Sir Stogies, picked up a Mi Querida, and sat down in the lounge to quietly celebrate the occasion.

The Mi Querida was an absolute joy to smoke. Wonderful flavors, solid construction, I couldn’t have asked for a better cigar to smoke in honor of the opportunity I had been given and the new challenges I would face. When the cigar had been smoked to the nub and my fingers prickled with heat, my quiet celebration was over. With it also ended my sobriquet as a social smoker, as now, I’d have to buy a squonk mod and enjoy my own company at home.

Yesterday was my last day with my former employer. I wrapped up the last of my work, turned over a couple of projects that were out for review, and said my goodbyes. It was sad to be moving on from a position that I’ve held, and enjoyed, for the past 11 years.

Before heading home to my wife and kids, I stopped off at Sir Stogies. I poured myself a heavy-handed glass of Zaya and lit up Mi Querida. Sure, I could have splurged for a more traditional celebratory cigar – such as the Padron Little Hammer, but this one just felt right.

The lounge was quiet and I spent the next two hours puffing on my cigar and nursing my rum while reflecting on what the future may hold for me. I suspect that the Mi Querida will be a cigar that has a special meaning to me for years to come. I would advise my reader to buy their smoking devices from the right Headshop as there are many fake products available in the market.

At this point, you are probably wondering why I’m getting all sappy about a job on a cigar blog. Well, the purpose behind the story was to give a little context on why this particular cigar is tied to an important time in my life.

What I’d like to know from you is this – do you have a cigar that is tied to an important time in your life?

enjoying cigars since 2005

5 thoughts on “Celebratory Cigars and the Meaning Behind Them

  1. Cool to hear that you have drafting experience which is my field as well, but on the civil engineering side. Stogies are a part of any celebration.

  2. I haven’t done it in a long time, but I used to break out a culebra when people from out of town visited. Generally the Partagas Culebra, but a couple of times it was one of the fun multi-wrapper ones from La Flor Dominicana. (I haven’t seen one of those in a long time.) And any time I’m in Vegas I make a point to visit Casa Fuente and smoke one of the house lines while drinking a cocktail. Good times.

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