Joyo de Nicargua Antono 1970

Reviews Videos21 Comments on Joyo de Nicargua Antono 1970

Joyo de Nicargua Antono 1970

JdN - 1

Well, here we are for another Monday Review and as promised, I have a write-up for you this week.

I was a little torn as to which cigar I was going to smoke, due to time I opted to go with the Joyo de Nicaragua Antono 1970 in a Corona size. After a quick looking over of the cigar I fond it to be a little rough. It had what I refer to as a “coarse wrap” meaning that the seam was very visible, spiraling down the length of the stick. The wrapper also had some fairly heavy veins and a lumpy appearance. When pinched I found it t have a few soft spots.

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After my initial inspection I moved on to cutting and lighting. Both of these tasks were quick and easy. After a quick toast and light the cigar was producing a nice volume of smoke with a light resting smoke which appeared to be dark in color.

The first third of my Joyo de Nicaragua 1970 produced a Medium to Full bodied smoke that felt thick on the palate. Each puff left me with a sense that the smoke was coating my mouth. The finish was fairly short and smooth while the base flavor was sort of an Oak and Black Pepper combination. At this point I was really enjoying the cigar and expected it to really pick up in terms of Body.

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As I made my way through the second third, my assumption was correct. The body was steadily climbing and becoming more Full bodied. The finish remained fairly short, lasting a minute or two on the palate before fading, while remaining nice and smooth. The draw was getting kind of odd. For the first half of the puff the smoke easily moved into my mouth, while the second half got tight and had to really be pulled through the cigar. In a sense I enjoyed it because it kept my from over puffing but did not produce the volume of smoke that I am accustomed to. The base flavor remained consistent delivering that same combination of Oak and Black Pepper.

JdN - 4

The final third of this stick continued to progress and become more full bodied. The finish was getting a little longer on the palate while the base flavor itself did not change, it just seemed to get richer and more complex as I smoked deeper into the cigar. Throughout the smoke the ash was fairly firm but very dark in color. The burn rate was slow and even throughout, making for a very enjoyable smoke.

JdN - 5

Overall I think that this was an enjoyable cigar, but definitely not recommended for the Mild bodied smoker. Before lighting this cigar I was really expecting it to knock my socks off due to all the hype that it gets in terms of strength. In the end I think that this was a good full bodied smoke that delivers a nice flavor and overall experience.. If you are a Full Bodied kind of person this is a cigar you should give a try.

enjoying cigars since 2005

21 thoughts on “Joyo de Nicargua Antono 1970

  1. Hey Walt, great review, hope the fiancé doesn’t find out! =D

    A friend of mine just got me into cigar smoking a few days ago, so far I have smoked 3, he said that starting off with a lighter cigar would be best so I’ve smoked a Kahlua, dunno if there are various kinds but the band is black with the red K logo. Second one I smoked was a nice Ashton. Third cigar I smoked was an Acid Blondie. I know they’re real “newbie” cigars but he I’m new! =D

    I enjoyed it very much, what got me interested in it was this website too.

    I’m also kind of a young smoker, just turned 18 on the 13th of January.

    Anyways this is my first comment on the website, and I look forward to more reviews from you lot, thanks.

    – Daniel

  2. These are among my favorite smokes. I particularly enjoy the Consul size. Have you tried the Celebracion? I’d be interested to get your take on it.


  3. Daniel,
    Everyones got to start somewhere. Of the three which did you like the most?

    Also, one bit of advice, when you go out to the local cigar shop to look around don’t let yourself get intimated by the cigars with low price tags. Just because a cigar is Inexpensive, does not mean it is not a good smoke.

    Jerry did a review of the Celebration a while back. Shortly after I picked one up to try and ended up buying a box of the Toro size.

    I am not much of a wine drinker, but when I indulge in a glass I really like the pairing of the Celebration and the blush (only wine that I have enjoyed so far).

    I will have to revisit the Celebration to see how the two compare. I enjoy both, just not sure which I like better (It’s been a while since I’ve had a Celebration)

    Thanks for the comments guys

  4. Most cigars seem to gain body or strength as they are smoked. Couldn’t this be because a smoker is just getting more and more nicotine through the lining of their mouth, so they are feeling gradually more affected by it? Rather than the actual strength or body of the cigar ever changing.

  5. Matt,

    It is my understanding that Cigar Rollers will actually place more Ligero (or stronger tobacco) further into the blend. I would assume this is to

    A) Keep you from getting used to the body being too consistent and getting bored

    B) Allowing the smoker to take in the whole experience of what the cigar was supposed to provide without getting an all out full bodied blast right from the start.

    I also think that your observation is correct as well. As one would smoke further into the cigar, the build up of nicotine in your mouth would definitely start getting to you more and more as you smoke. I’m not sure what would be more of an affect, the deliberate full bodied blend towards the end of the cigar, or the excess nicotine being absorbed into your system.

  6. Great review. This is on my list of cigars to smoke but dang it, freaking humidor is full again. I have to cool my jets for a month or the wrath of the wife will decend. Good job Walt and throwing caution to the wind and smoking in the house. I like your list of preparatory excuses. Best to have an escape plan when defying your finacee. Plus, smoking outside when you have a forest backed up to your house, dang!!!!!!!! Now that’s what cigars are for! Get out in some nice fresh air and polute it with vigor and complete abandon hehehe.


  7. Thanks for the comment, Walt. Of the 3 I smoked I probably liked the Ashton the best, mainly because it (this may come out funny) didn’t seem like I was smoking a popsicle.

    I wasn’t the one who picked them out, a friend of mine did so I dunno what the price on each of them was, but in the near future I do plan on buying a different variety whether they be cheap/expensive, pretty/ugly or good smelling/bad smelling. I enjoy the hobby from what I’ve done so far and plan to do it more often.

    Thanks again for the comment.

  8. Walt,

    Thanks for the answer. Your explanation could also account for the occasional burst of strength in cigars that don’t gain power so gradually.

  9. Jake,
    I just slip the toothpick in until it feels sturdy. That cigar I had it deep enough that I could feel it on the other side of the cigar, but it was not poking through.


    “Get out in some nice fresh air and polute it with vigor and complete abandon”

    That made me laugh out loud, I’ll keep that i mind the next time I’m ready to light one up. 🙂

    I’m glad to hear that your enjoying cigars so far. Don’t be a stranger, let us know how things are going during with your new hobby (soon to be referred to as a passion, then in 3 months it will become an obsession)

  10. Walt,
    Like you, I thought the powerhouse rating of the Antono was a myth. Until about a month ago. My two buddies and I meet at our local B&M around 10:00am. We each bring three of the same cigar and pass around. Our first Cigar was an Ashton VSG. After a short break for a bagel and coffee we went into the Felipe Power in the triple R Size. And Last the Antono. It proved to be our demise. Cigar smoker #1, will call him left the store and returned 30 minutes later with taco Bell. His Cigar gone. Smoker #2, the Manager of the store, went to his office to lay down. And I, sadly, had to lay in the car and regain my bearings. I finished the cigar but the price was too High. I enjoy this cigar, but after a meal in the evening. Great review.

  11. ALL,

    The Celebracíon is in a different league from the Antaño.

    For those who enjoy the more fuertes, I suggest Camacho, La Flor Dominicana, and Patel’s Edge.

    Some are pricey at certain sites yet if one hunts around one can find the right deal.

  12. I still find the Antano to be the best full-bodied smoke for the money. The consul grande is my size choice, and if you hot-stick the cigar, you will need to sit down for a while. I equate it with a three whiskey buzz.

  13. I had my last JDN 1970 of my original sampler box from 2006 yesterday. They do age well. It was a robusto. These are still my go to cigar. I always keep some in my humidor. I’d say for my tastes this is still in my top 3 cigars only this one is readily available and it is well priced.

  14. I actually found a box of Jdn gran reservas hidden in the corner of one of the b&ms I frequent! It was like Christmas! The owner said they’d been aging for 5 years and they had beautiful plume all over them. Best cigar I’ve had to date and I’ve smoked them all. He has about 6 more at$14 a POP and I will be cleaning him out tomorrow!

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