Women of Cigarfest 2009

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Women of Cigarfest 2009

Women of Cigarfest 2009During Cigarfest 2009, Jerry and I made a point to focus on a couple of things. One of which was to speak to a number of manufacturers about new products as well as currently available cigars. Some of the other things we wanted to do was get some video of the event as well as pictures. While Jerry manned the video camera, I handled the camera for pictures.

Taking photos in the cloud of smoke was a bit tough, but I managed to get a bunch of pictures of the beautiful women working the event. Just as you would expect, put an attractive woman in a sexy outfit and the men will come. All of the women working the show were beautiful, but some were simply stunning (you’ll see a trend in my photos).

One group of women in particular had the attention of practically every man in attendance. These women were working the Man O’ War booth with AJ Fernandez. These woman had very little on and were difficult to photograph. Each time I spoke with them about taking a shot of just them, a guy would charge on into the trio of girls to get their photo snapped. As a result I wound up with alot of cropped and blurred shots of them.

Below is a little slide show of some of the eye candy
walking around the convention center floor.

enjoying cigars since 2005

13 thoughts on “Women of Cigarfest 2009

  1. Praise the Lord! At last. See, there are better things than cigars…Hallelujah, I can see.

  2. None of the women were smoking cigars!!!! WTF!!! lol


    Last picture, the woman on the left looks SO damn familiar to me and I dont know why…wierd

  3. Mike,
    Thats strange, a handful of the Cigars International girls (in white shirts) were smoking. I’m surprised I didn’t get a picture of that.

    He was rolling a cigar on her stomach. When she laid down on the table it set off a chain reaction of flashes. I’ve never seen cameras being pulled out of pockets and bags so fast… lol


  4. Very good, I was wondering if someone was going to document the finer side of the show! I’m impressed, looks like it was a good time!

  5. I used to own a business that did the same thing but for the liquor industry. Sex sells. Nice photos Walt.

  6. Walt,
    Someone got a couple pics of the CI girls smoking. There are two pictures in the slide show that shows them with lit cigars.

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