It is kind of funny that with IPCPR on the horizon and my last Week in Smoke mainly containing new releases that I turn to the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. With Walt recently reviewing the Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte I thought this would compliment his review. Plus, with us trying to get back to basics and focus on having fun than dealing with some of the bullshit that has come our way over the course of the last eight years, I though it would be good to review a cigar that I remember smoking back when we started.
A lot of things have changed over the course of eights years. What was full bodied then, is not now. My likes/dislikes have changed, crops change year to year, new rollers…the possibilities are endless so it is always nice to revisit a cigar and see what it has to offer.
Video runs close to 9 minutes and not only do you get to spend 9 minutes admiring my beard but you also get a quick tour of my garden. Eight years later and the Sancho Panza Double Maduro still delivers a consistent, enjoyable flavor profile with no significant construction issues. Lots of value that can easily be enjoyed by the new/occasional cigar smoker but still be appreciated by the seasoned cigar veteran. Sometimes, whats old is new again and the Sancho Panza Double Maduro still holds a steady spot in any Top 5 Under $5 list.
Man, that beard is even more awesome in video than just in your IG pics and garden looks green too. Did you start everything from seed? Probably not the tomatoes?
Sancho Panza DM is a great all around choice. I often forget about them so thanks for the reminder. With 4th of July coming up it would be nice to have on hand for the picnic.
Love the getting back to basics approach.
Thanks Kevin! Some things like the tomato and strawberry plants I started from transplants. Some of the other things like the carrots, corn and lettuce were started from seed. Its definitely relaxing and fun to do with the little one.
Old school review, I like it! Keep them coming.
Jerry my friend, great to see you back in action. It has been awhile for me as well but when I saw this update come through I knew I had to come check it out. Love the “old is new again” approach.
I actually had a Sancho Panza Double Maduro not too long ago and just like you, enjoyed it very much. I haven’t had the size you had. Like you pointed out in the video, the Robusto sized guy is my size choice. I know you enjoy reading but have you ever read Don Quixote? Take care friend!
Great review Jerry nice looking garden kick ass beard kinda looks Castro like who doesn’t that’s a complement.
This sounds like an awesome stick for early morning or latenight. I do enjoy a more medium to full bodied smoke but I definatly want to try this one out.
Happy to see you back on stogie review anxiously awaiting your next review.. on a side note what would you suggest as a good place to order cigars online other than cigarplace.biz that’ll ship up here to Canada? Thanking you in advance.
Long fucking ashes eh ????
Steve – Depending on what you are looking for have you looked at New Havana Cigars at:
Wasn’t supposed to have question marks there sorry bro.
No I haven’t thanks Jerry much appreciated bro.
Glad you’re back man.
Nice video…do you watch the MTV show Catfish? That little camera you used to show your garden looked familiar.
It has been awhile since I smoked any Sancho Panza but I remember digging them to. I’ll have to take your advice and dig one up. Thanks.
ha ha…I do in fact watch Catfish and so does Walt (before he cut the chord at home). The little camera (Canon S100) is in fact the camera Max used in Season 1 before he upgraded for Season 2.
awesome to see you back and great review.
Nice beard!!!
Nice to see you back with a video review.
Really great to see stogie review doing what you do best.
Cheers…( And yes, the beard looks great also )
Great to see you back doing a review, Jerry. You’ve always been my favorite reviewer because of your humor…mini-Slice…lol! Diggin the beard, man! The Sancho Panza line has always been a staple in my humi, especially the extra fuerte line. The only down side to these sticks is the single cap…they always tends to fall off for me. Looks like your garden is coming along great. And you have a jalapeno…on a stick. lol! So, are we going to see an appearance of Jerry the garden gnome now?
Thanks JT! You know, I didn’t even think about the single cap thing. I guess I’m just in the mind set that triple cap is the norm these days.
I staked the jalapeƱo plant because I staked the bell pepper plants and thought it was just universal for peppers. In hindsight, bell peppers are going to weigh more than the jalapeƱos. LOL
Jerry, this reminds me a bit of the Henry Clay review you did a while back. Great to see a review of an old-school inexpensive cigar that has been a part of most of our early humble beginnings in this cigar hobby of ours. Always nice to go back to an oldie but goodie every once in a while to remember good days gone by.