Stogie News

Crazy potential tobacco tax hike

For those who have not heard about this yet. The Senate Finance Committee has scheduled a markup on Tuesday, July 17 on legislation dealing with the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The measure is expected to be reported out of committee. Funding would be almost totally via higher taxes on tobacco products. The cigarette […]

Site News

Voting Is Now Open

I honestly had better expectations to display the entries we received for the Logo Contest but the voting system and the Highslide Plugin I was going to use just wouldn’t play nicely with our theme.  So considering I’m horribly late with this and if I put it off any longer I may end up smoking […]

Site News

Happy 4th of July

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy 4th of July from all of us at Your Questions, My Answers Episode 13 will be posted on Thursday. I apologize for the delay. I had some issues editing the episode, but thanks to a good friend, I have some advice on how to make it easier. […]

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