Camacho Corojo Maduro (Twitter Review)

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Camacho Corojo Maduro (Twitter Review)

Camacho Corojo - SRTV

Nearly two weeks ago, I finalized the schedule and cigar selection for the next Stogie Review Twitter Review. Shortly after announcing the details, I had a couple people mentioned that they were looking forward to the review. While some were unable to track down the cigar locally, I was joined by KnightRid and DaByrdman33 to review the Camacho Corojo Maduro.

Below are some of the remarks made about the cigar. If you are interested in seeing the entire transcript, you can use the Twitter Search to look up the #SRTV hastag (Stogie Review Tweet-View). If you are interested in participating in the next Twitter review, keep your eyes out on Twitter for the announcement.


waltw: Uniform color, slightly lumpy appearance, nice and toothy, one pectin fingerprint, pleasant aroma, mildly soft when pinched. #SRTV

KnightRid: Construction is REALLY squishy at the foot for about 1/2 inch then gets solid the rest of the way #SRTV

KnightRid: very toothy and rustic looking wiht a barnyard smell #SRTV

KnightRid: I am going to use my usual punch on this little guy and I am drinking Coke #SRTV

waltw: Clipped my @camachocigars Corojo Maduro. Draw is typical of this brand, a little on the loose side but decent overall. #SRTV

KnightRid: my draw is SUPER loose – almost like a straw. Maybe because of the squishy foot..?? we shall see #SRTV

waltw: Being that it is still fairly early on a Saturday, I’ll be pairing this cigar up with a cup of Coffee. Like Maduros and Coffee combo #SRTV

First Third

KnightRid: lit very easily, first puff or 2 had a zing to it – especially on the back sides of my tongue #SRTV

waltw: Easy lighting with even burn and lots of initial smoke. Smoke feels a little bitey up-front. Grabs the attention this early in the day #SRTV

waltw: One thing about @camachocigars is that they always have a draw that is a bit loose. On the bright side, never had a plugged one. #SRTV

KnightRid: @waltw yes a very good volume of smoke right off the bat! #SRTV

waltw: Fairly heavy peppery sensation through the sinus. Not getting any distinct flavors across the palate yet. Just a natural tobacco taste #SRTV

KnightRid: pretty spicy on the retrohale getting woody taste up front so far #SRTV

DaByrdman33: Just lit mine. Draw is loose for me too. Pepper blast on retrohale at the outset. #SRTV

KnightRid: definite woody taste with a hint of some sort of sweetness I cant place – still spicy through the retrohale

waltw: Ash on my cigar is flowering a little, but seems fairly strong. Color is dark grey and has a sandy appearance to it with light specs #SRTV

KnightRid: my ash, on the other hand, is light grey and fell off when I sat it on the ashtray already #SRTV

Second Third

DaByrdman33: This is my 3rd Corojo Maduro Monarca in the past week. So far I’m finding it to be very different from the natural wrapper. #SRTV

KnightRid: I would say this cigar is a solid Medium body for me right now – tons of smoke, but not a lot of flavor profile #SRTV

DaByrdman33: Spice is beginning to mellow on the retrohale. I’m starting to get more of a black coffee flavor. #SRTV

waltw: @KnightRid Agree on Medium Body. Getting a combination of wood and pepper flavors. Aggressive across the palate and sinus #SRTV

DaByrdman33: Not as strong as other @camachocigars right now but that could change. Pretty one-dimensional so far. #SRTV

KnightRid: kind of a shame the flavor profile isnt changing, but the woody/peppery/spicy on the retrohale is still nice #SRTV

DaByrdman33: I’m getting a sweetness on the sinuses along with woody spice. #SRTV

KnightRid: 2.75 inches left on mine almost at the first of 2 bands – flavor doesnt change much, but is pleasant #SRTV

waltw: @DaByrdman33 @KnightRid I think the standard Corojo has a flavor that is a little more plain, these seem richer and sweeter to me. #SRTV

DaByrdman33: @waltw @KnightRid I think the natural packs more punch but the flavor is better on the maduro. #SRTV

Final Third

DaByrdman33: @KnightRid @waltw the toasty flavor reminds me of burning wood & the aroma you get during this time of year. #SRTV

waltw: This cigar has been pretty consistent for me. Wood, Pepper, and Toasty flavors make up the profile. Medium body, aggressive on palate #SRTV

KnightRid: @waltw agree, but mine is only aggressive on the retrohale – kinda creamy feel in the mouth for me #SRTV

KnightRid: you cant let this cigar sit very long without giving it some love! It likes to start to go out #SRTV

waltw: @KnightRid I’m running into the same issue. Touching it up for the second time now #SRTV

KnightRid: at my last inch and a half and I am getting a kinda nasty tinge on the tip of my tongue now – lets hope it goes away #SRTV

DaByrdman33: @KnightRid I’m getting a touch of bitterness too. #SRTV

DaByrdman33: I definitely feel like chimney when I smoke this. You can’t follow this one with a weak cigar for sure. #SRTV

KnightRid: @DaByrdman33 that bitter taste only lasted a few puffs for me, now its gone – hope its the same for you! #SRTV

waltw: I get the urge to crack open a Stout with this cigar. Think the two flavor profiles would work extremely well together #SRTV

DaByrdman33: @waltw @KnightRid Almost at the nub. Consistently woody, toasty, & spicy. Less peppery spice at the end with more sweetness. #SRTV

Final Thoughts

KnightRid: Final thoughts – cigar started woody/toasty with a hint of sweetness and some pepper. Pepper developed more as it burnt. #SRTV

KnightRid: retrohale was rough the whole way. cigar did not have very many complexities, but was a decent smoke. #SRTV

waltw: This cigar wasn’t overly complex, but it has rich flavors that are consistent among the Corojo Maduro line. #SRTV

waltw: I’ll definately be smoking more of them in the future but hesitate a bit at the last price paid for a single at $6.25 #SRTV

DaByrdman33: @waltw Overall a consistent quality smoke with a bit of sweetness toasty wood & spice. Loads of smoke & a powerhouse on the sinuses. #SRTV

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enjoying cigars since 2005

4 thoughts on “Camacho Corojo Maduro (Twitter Review)

  1. Loved the Twitter review. I have only really started exploring the Camacho world in the last six months or so and have been happy with what I have tasted. Maybe the next Twitter review could be of a Camacho Coyolar – count me in for that one! 🙂

  2. Hi, nice job guys. I would love to take part in a review with you all one day. However I have a slight problem. It seems that according to my doctor I am in fact allergic to Twitter and all other social networking sites. Maybe one day someone will find a cure for the problem. Until then…

  3. Ha, I’m with you Cuban. Can’t stand twitter. It’s all I can do to pay any attention to facebook. 😀

    I love these smokes. Yeah, not the most complicated smoke out there but its a great flavor throughout and like Walt said, never had a plugged one. 🙂

  4. Nice review guys but this cigar was not the one for me. I had two of these and it was bitter, a funcky earthy taste with some metallic flavors mixed in that really turned me off to these. Maybe I just had a bad couple of cigars but after enduring the bland and flat taste of the Camacho “62 churchill, I am off the whole Camacho line.

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