Urban by Augusto Reyes

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Urban by Augusto Reyes

Augusto Reyes Urban - 1

Right around the time that Mike wrapped up his Augusto Reyes Series, which incuded the Nativo, Maduro, Criollo, Gran Cru, and Epicure, I received a Direct Message on Twitter. Augusto Reyes asked if I would be interested in reviewing a new product in the Augusto Reyes Urban.

I accepted the offer and received a package, containing five cigars, a few days later. The Urban is made up of a Nicaraguan Wrapper, Dominican Binder, and Filler listed as 3 Nicaraguan and 1 Dominican Seco. While I was eager to get started on the review, I wanted to hold off for a couple of days to allow the cigars to acclimate after traveling through a heat wave. After about two weeks rest in my humidor, I began smoking my samples.

Appearance and Construction

Before I could even lay my eyes on the wrapper of the Urban by Auguto Reyes, the band grabbed my attention. I stood staring at it and initially wasn’t sure what I thought of it. I mean, kind of like looking at graffiti as I wait for a slow moving freight train to finish crossing a roadway, but this band didn’t have the artistic flare of a vandal that poured his heart and soul onto the side of a railroad car.

Peeling my eyes away from the band, I began to inspect the wrapper of my cigar. Having a bit of a pet peeve for a ragged seam, I was pleased with the clean line spiraling down the length of the stick. Veins were small, but plentiful, and did not add a lumpy texture. When pinched, the cigar felt firmly packed with tobacco and did not show signs of under-filled spots.

After clipping the neatly applied cap, I found the pre light draw to be free. Personally, I love a loose draw but could see others wanting to use a punch in an effort to restrict airflow. The flavor on the cold draw had a vegetable taste while the aroma on the wrapper and exposed foot reminded me of fresh mulch.

The lighting process was quick and easy. In no time at all the foot of my Urban was evenly lit and producing lots of thick smoke. In the sample smoked in the video I experienced a slight problem with small holes in the filler. The three samples smoked before the video did not have this problem and produced a dense, flavorful, smoke from start to finish.

Flavor and Body

After lighting this cigar, I took the very first puff and passed it through my sinus. The result was like being round-house kicked in the face by some sort of spice martial artist. As horrible as that sounds, I enjoyed it considerably. Every puff after contained less and less spiciness and wound up being very easy through the nose.

From start to finish the body remained firmly seated in the medium range. The finish, on the other hand, started off rather dry. I wasn’t crazy about it, but I wasn’t running for a bottle of water either (or my coffee for the cigar smoked in the video). As I reached the second third, the finish turned creamy and was pleasant.

The flavors of my Augusto Reyes Urban were mostly wood and nuts with a random spicy pop across the palate. The spiciness was contained to the palate and diminished as the cigar grew shorter. Even though the flavor profile seems one dimensional on the surface, it changed levels nicely, which kept things interesting.

Final Thoughts

Up until the band, I think the Augusto Reyes Urban is a very solid cigar. The flavors have a nice richness about them with a nice occasional spicy pop. After the band, however, I found every one of my samples to be sour. Once the sour taste entered the picture, it only got stronger as the cigar burned short.

As I mentioned in the video, I neglected to ask about the MSRP or how these cigars will be distributed. If I had to guess, I would say that in a small B&M environment, this cigar would be a good buy between $5.00 and $7.00. If this cigar is injected into the massive offerings of Cigars International, I think $4.00 would be a fair asking price.

If you happen to stumble onto an Augusto Reyes Urban in your travels, locally or online, I would suggest giving it a try. I would imagine some age would lessen the sourness during the late stages of the cigar, but there is only one way to find out, which is to smoke it.

enjoying cigars since 2005

9 thoughts on “Urban by Augusto Reyes

  1. Walt,

    After Mike’s reviews, I wasn’t sure that I would want to try the Augusto Reyes lines. This shows that maybe I should open up my point of view. I guess that every stick deserves a fair shake, so I’ll be keeping my eyes open for these.

    As for the label, I would also prefer a more traditional approach, but from the manufacturer’s vewpoint, who could blame them for going for the lowest common denominator? For them it’s the bottom line, and I can’t fault them for going where the money is. Isn’t the the basis for any business? On the other hand, it does smack a bit of cynicism. It’s ultimately up to the consumer do decide.

    A great unbiased review. Keep them coming!

    1. jjo,
      I haven’t tried any of the blends that Mike reviewed, but I did like the two blends that Augusto Reyes had during IPCPR last year.

      I agree in regards to the band. Maybe this is an attempt at rounding out their market. They already have more traditional offerings, perhaps this is their way of capturing the newer “hip” market much like Studio Tobac and CAO (Rock n Rolled Days).

      Thanks for watching and commenting

    1. Bx22,
      If I saw it in a cigar shop, I might stop and look at it but it wouldn’t draw me to it like the more simplistic bands of Padron, Illusion, Tatuaje, etc…

      Thanks for watching and commenting

  2. Walt,
    I’m a former serious aerosol artist who has paid his debt to society. I have to say that the band represents B graffiti at best. I agree with your assumption that they are attempting to reach an untapped cigar market, but I wouldn’t go so far as Jjo to label that market the lowest denominator. Most folks pass any script resembling urban art off as “tagging”. I award you big time cool points for recognizing that some people choose to pour their heart and soul into the side of a boxcar. I’m well aware that vandalism is illegal but you have to admire an artist who works in complete anonymity without any chance of monetary compensation. It takes heart. I will likely sample this cigar and cringe at the band. Good review Walt, as always.

  3. Nick M.,

    I should have worded myself better. Didn’t mean for it to be taken that way. I guess what I was trying to say is that it appears that they’re trying to tap a part of the market that they would normally ignore.

  4. The band is bad, but the actual box they come in is horrifying! it just seemed very cheap and cartoonish looking. Local shop had a box on the shelf that had to be kicking around for at least 6 months until they finally sold at a discount. I watched several customers give them a puzzled look or a “WTF” is this out loud. Gotta say I’d at least try one now based on Walt’s review. I doubt the shop will get any more in.

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