CLE Cigar Co. (IPCPR 2012)

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CLE Cigar Co. (IPCPR 2012)

It is hard for my mind not to associate Christian Eiroa with any other company other than Camacho. I guess I need to retrain my brain because Christian’s new company, CLE Cigar Company appears to have poised itself to be a staying power with his debut at IPCPR 2012. If your brain needs to be retrained like mine, check out our interview with him and learn what CLE is all about. Welcome back Christian!

3 thoughts on “CLE Cigar Co. (IPCPR 2012)

  1. Never heard of CLE, but I was very impressed with his line, going to be on the lookout for these. Thanks for the video

  2. I’m also confused. Mr. Eiora is no longer is involved with Camacho? I know the Camacho line was sold, but was not aware that Mr. Eiora had left Camacho. Isn’t he prominent on their new website and in the Camacho marketing materials? I will definitely seek out his new lines and will be eager to try some of his new cigars.

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