Mike’s Top 10 Cigars I Smoked In 2010

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Mike’s Top 10 Cigars I Smoked In 2010

Well everyone seems to want lists so I decided to do a list of cigars that I enjoyed the most this year. I hope you will give these sticks a try as i have thoroughly enjoyed smoking them throughout the year.

This list is in no particular order.

CAO La Traviata Maduro

I stole this from Walt

AVO Heritage – Churchill
AVO Heritage - main.jpg

Tatuaje El Triunfador #3
El Triunfador No 3 - main.jpg

La Aurora 107
La Aurora 107 - main.jpg

Rocky Patel Ocean Club – Sixty
Rocky Patel Ocean Club Sixty - 1.jpg

Tatuaje Ambos Mundos Sumatra – Toro
I stole this from Jerry

Illusione 888
Illusione 888 - 1.jpg

Arturo Fuente Between the Lines
Between the Lines - main.jpg

La Aurora Corojo
I stole this from Jerry too

Punch UpperCut – Toro
I stole this from Brian
– link is for the robusto. Strange I never did the toro. I will have to remedy that in 2011.

So there you have it you list whores. I hope you have smoked some of these and can voice your opinions. If you have not tried them, what are you waiting for?

I will say I could have added a few more sticks like the La Aurora 100 Anos, CAO Gold Double Corona – link is for the Karat size since we do not have the double corona reviewed….yet, Rocky Patel Cameroon Especial, etc. but I narrowed it down to 10 so you did not get bored looking at a huge list.

I am just me.

13 thoughts on “Mike’s Top 10 Cigars I Smoked In 2010

  1. This was a good year for cigars. I do not have a number one
    cigar per say, but I did create a top ten list. Casa Fernandez
    Arganosa Leaf Torpedo 6.25 by 52. Best new release of the year.
    Great price. Great flavor profile. Must try. LFD Double Ligero
    Chisel Maduro This is was my favorite after dinner cigar for the
    first half of the year. My palate has since changed as I smoke more
    medium body and mild body cigars. I still enjoy this cigar, but
    this is not meant for the middle of the day. LFD Coronado Maduro
    Corona Especial from 2008. When I first recieved these cigars, I
    had a lot of personal hype as I love the coronado and LFD maduro
    cigars. When I recieved these cigars in 08 they were too strong and
    a bit harsh. I let them sit for a year and a half and they became a
    thing of beauty. Patience can bring you fantastic cigars. Vegas
    Robaina Unico from 1998. I only smoked one this year, but I smoked
    it last February and I still remember the sweetness, coffee,
    deluted spice. This was dessert. Padilla Miami 8/11 Lancero from
    07. I have smoked more coronas and robustos of the Padilla Miami
    8/11. Jose please begin to make these cigars again under your Don
    Pepin name. I love this cigar. I still have a robusto and lancero
    left. I will have to start smoking my Pepin Padilla 1932. Padron
    1926 Maduro #6. I have been thoroughly enjoying this cigar. I use
    to think the 64 and 26 were very similar until I tried this size. I
    like this cigar better than the 45 and I do not want to try the 46
    because of its Donkey dick nature. Trindad Coloniales 5.1 by 44 OUR
    SEP 08 I recieved five of these from Australia from a friend with
    some Cohiba Siglo II, Monte 4, PLPC, Bolivar Petit Coronas and the
    Trindads were excellent reminded me of a great cup of coffee.
    Litto Gomez Small Batch #3. This cigar has a beautiful oily
    wrapper. I am a LFD whore so I really loved the Small batch, now if
    they were not 18 dollars I would buy a box. I have a few put away
    in the humidor. Illusione Singulare. I thought Dion was going
    downhill after the quality of the Nosotros. Nosotros smoked well,
    but it was not the nicest looking of sticks. The singulare is the
    cigar I have been craving lately. It is not too strong, but still
    full of flavor. If you can find them I would suggest buying a box
    blind. Fuente Anejo 46. I think these are better than Opus X. I buy
    a box every Christmas and they only get better with time. Top five
    under six dollars Pride Corojo Lancero Berger Argenti Clasico
    Corona CAO la traviata animado, the rest of the sizes suck and the
    maduro is horrible. Oliva Conneticut Londsale. Pinar Del Rio
    Exculsivo- This is one the best new connecticuts I have smoked in a
    while. It has been a good year for ecudorian connecticut.

  2. Hey Mike…love the list. This is yet another reason why smoking cigars is so enjoyable. Everyone’s top 10 list is different. There are definitely some sticks on here I will now try that I wouldn’t have before.

  3. I have to say thats an agreeable list, good to see the variety too between different people. Except for the lapse of many medium to full bodieds on here its a solid list, good stuff.

  4. Nice list Mike. I tend to agree with hogman21 about the RP. The others all look great.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe I’ll be smokin some 888’s (or the 888 Slam!) myself real soon. Day 10 baby, Day 10!

  5. It’s good to see someone likes the UpperCut! I have to say I’m not a fan.

    I’m surprised about some of your other choices, though, as they stray away from the mild-to-medium profile…like the La Traviata Maduro or Avo Heritage…or are spicier than I would expect you to enjoy…like the La Aurora Corojo. Seems that maybe your palate is changing…pretty soon you’ll be reviewing Cains and Tat Blacks and La Sirenas! 🙂

  6. Not a bad list mike. Not like any of these are going to break the bank, but I thought all you smoked was value lines. And I actually don’t disagree with you about the Ocean Club. I don’t think its a top 10, but I also don’t think its a bad smoke either. I’ve had the torpedo a couple times and thought it was decent.

    1. I absolutely love the Sixty! I cant stand the robusto but the Sixty I have gone through over 2 boxes of and with me being a cheap bastard, that is saying something 🙂

  7. Nice to see someone else giving props to the OC from Rock. For me it is right in that sweet spot between a ’90 & a ’92.

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