Author: Jerry Cruz

Available on iTunes MP3 Reviews Videos

Camacho Select

Way back in 2007, Walt originally reviewed the Camacho Select. Fast forward to 2010 and the Camacho Select has been through a packaging and blending change. I originally scored two boxes of these Camacho Selects for my silence on not revealing who was behind the Black Band Project. Last year when I first smoked the […]

Available on iTunes Stogie Spotlight

21 Minutes with Pete Johnson

Quick shout out to all the peeps who came out to Drapers on Friday. It was great seeing familiar faces as well as putting faces and real names to Twitter handles. Twitter peeps like @tatuajecigars @nicetightash @doc8466 @stogieguys @sboyajian @naugs56 @dabyrdman33 @btmiles @dcspeopleschamp @chris_suspect @edfernandez2 (Norfolk VA), all the Facebook people like Larry (NC), Benjamin […]

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