Another Top 10 list here on Stogie Review but this one is very special. I actually enjoy this list more than my own. Its not a list based on one opinion. Its a list based on the opinions of the members of the Stogie Review Fan Forums. This Top 10 List is the perfect example […]
Top 10 Cigars 2009 (Master Cigar Technician Edition)
EDITOR’S NOTE – We go back a long way with Bob and Dale from Cigar Radio. Walt, Brian and I have made guest appearances on their weekly show. We’re always happy whenever the opportunity arises that we can feature them here on Stogie Review. I’m not as creative as Bob when it comes to introductions […]
A Message from Jerry the Elf
While I do smoke and review a little bit of Tabacos Baez Serie SF, this video shouldn’t be taken seriously. Like I’ve always said, the day that SR isn’t any fun to do, take ourselves too seriously or lose the ability to laugh at ourselves, is the day SR closes up shop. Its all about […]
Top 10 Cigars – TGT Edition (2009)
2009 was an awesome year for cigars and I’m anxious to see what Walt and Brian have listed this year. I had a difficult time paring the list down to just ten. To help me pare the list down, I limited it to cigars I reviewed here on Stogie Review in 2009. These cigars weren’t […]
Bottom 10 Cigars (2009)
Bah f’n humbug! While everyone else is focusing on their Top 10 Cigars for 2009, I decided to take the negative approach and be a Debbie Downer. These are my Bottom 10 Cigars for 2009. The cigars in this list were reviewed this year and just didn’t live up to my expectations, or just plain […]
Rocky Patel American Market Selection
Similar to my reviews of the Rocky Patel Honduran Classic, Rocky Patel Cuban Blend and Rocky Patel Rosado, the Rocky Patel American Market Selection is a Famous Exclusive…meaning you can only get them at Famous Smoke Shop. Again, in the interest of complete transparency I wanted to say that Famous Smoke Shop is an advertiser […]
Diesel – Unholy Cocktail
The latest release from AJ Fernandez, maker of the Man O’War Series, has been the focus of my eye for awhile. Between the juicy images and mouth watering description in the CI/ catalog and the buzz on Twitter, I couldn’t wait any longer to weigh in on the Unholy Cocktail aka the Diesel. Video runs […]
The Conspiracy Invasion
The Conspiracy invaded the DC/VA/MD area this week with three events. First stop was an event with W.Curtis Drapers at Shelly’s Backroom in Washington DC. Second stop was Havana Connections (Short Pump) in Richmond VA and ending the week of events was the third event at Bethesda Tobacco in Bethesda MD. Due to my day […]
Ask The Readers: How Big of a Cigar Geek are You?
If you’ve been around awhile you will know that Walt and I met playing an online game called Battlefield 1942. I’m still no stranger to online games. I have experience in both mmorpg and money-based games like on 666casino. While not as hardcore as I use to be I still find myself putting on my […]
Davidoff Colorado Claro (Special T)
I know I know, it seems odd The Great Torpedo/Don “Cruz”ado would be reviewing a cigar made by Davidoff. Its historically not my speed and a brand that I’ve shied away from. Partly because of the hefty price tag but more out of my own ignorance of assuming that the cigar wasn’t meant for me […]