This morning I woke up to a variety of alerts on my phone. The first one I read was in reference to a review of a Swisher Electronic Cigar on Stogie Review. While I’m a firm believer in a united cigar smoking community, I struggled with the concept of such a product being reviewed here. […]
Swisher E-Cigar
Wrapper : Plastic Binder : Batteries Filler : Some liquid stuff Source : Free sample through BzzAgent Welcome one and all to the wonderful world of Mike. On today’s show we have for you a free sample I got from being a BzzAgent called the Swisher E-Cigar. Yes, that Swisher. I know most of you […]
Tarazona Cigars XTC
Wrapper : Nicaraguan Sun-Grown Corojo Binder : Nicaraguan Filler : Nicaraguan Source : Bought at Genuine Tobacco for $5.40 This week I have the Tarazona Cigars XTC in the Robusto size (5×50) for your viewing enjoyment. Tarazona may be a name you are not familiar with and hopefully in this review you can determine if […]
La Duena Petit Lancero
What do you get when you sit down and record a cigar review much earlier than usual? If this review is any indication, you forget to finalize it and wind up with a review that is almost a day late! Thats alright though, better late that never, eh? Last week I revisited the Cabaiguan Guapos […]
Curivari Buenaventura BV500
Curivari has been around since 2003 in Europe, but is a relative new-comer to the United States, making its first domestic appearance back in 2010. Since that time, I’ve had the opportunity to try a few of their lines, and have had good experiences with them so far. This review focuses on Buenaventura, the company’s […]
Cabaiguan (Short Ashes)
Early this week Jerry was kind enough to send me a package of cigars to enjoy. I wasted no time in turning them to smoke and ash. Suddenly it dawned on me, perhaps I should turn some of these sticks into ‘Short Ashes’ Cigar Reviews and revisit some of the smokes we have reviewed in […]
Quesada Jalapa Robusto
A couple years ago, Quesada released the Seleccion Espana to the Spanish market, but only in the US to a very select few Quesada retailers. People that were able to get some, like myself, absolutely loved the cigar and bombarded Quesada with request to have a full release here in the US. This year, Quesada […]
Abel’s Premium Selection
Back around Christmas I recieved an email from Abel Florez of Florez Tobacconist in Summit New Jersey. In that email Abel began telling me about a cigar he had created by Ernesto Perez Carrillo and asked if I would be interested in reviewing it. Being a borderline Ernesto Perez Carrillo Fanboi, I was eager to […]
La Grande Classe
Today’s review is of a cigar that slipped quietly onto the market at the end of last year, created by a man who needs no fanfare to sell cigars, Dion Giolito. It’s named La Grande Classe (or “the great class”) and is a 470-box limited run blended by Dion exlcusively for his retail shop FUMARE […]
Key West “Al Capone” by Rafael Fuente (first impressions)
Several weeks ago, I received a little sampler pack of cigars from Island Cigar Factory, a chain of three cigar shops down in Key West, Florida. They carry a line of their own cigars made at their own factory in the Dominican Republic. The most visually-stunning cigar among the samples they sent me was this […]