Category: Reviews


Quesada Jalapa Robusto

A couple years ago, Quesada released the Seleccion Espana to the Spanish market, but only in the US to a very select few Quesada retailers.  People that were able to get some, like myself, absolutely loved the cigar and bombarded Quesada with request to have a full release here in the US.  This year, Quesada […]


La Grande Classe

Today’s review is of a cigar that slipped quietly onto the market at the end of last year, created by a man who needs no fanfare to sell cigars, Dion Giolito. It’s named La Grande Classe (or “the great class”) and is a 470-box limited run blended by Dion exlcusively for his retail shop FUMARE […]

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Key West “Al Capone” by Rafael Fuente (first impressions)

Several weeks ago, I received a little sampler pack of cigars from Island Cigar Factory, a chain of three cigar shops down in Key West, Florida. They carry a line of their own cigars made at their own factory in the Dominican Republic. The most visually-stunning cigar among the samples they sent me was this […]

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