Over the last few weeks, Brian, Jerry, Mike, and I have been discussing the state of Stogie Review. We looked at the things we felt were done well, as well as those we thought could use some work. One of the items from the latter column was finding a way of saying Thank You to the sites that have been referring web traffic to us over the years.
To do this, we have decided to take a peek at our statistics and choose a blog from the top referrers. The site that we have chosen is Tom’s CIgars. If you are a regular Stogie Review visitor, I’m sure you know Tom and Ed. The duo has been providing guest video reviews here on Stogie Review since 2008.
Over the years, Tom and Ed have become part of the family. If you are new to the site, take a minute and browse the list of reviews below. I’m sure you’ll find something that piques your interest.
The Work of Tom and Ed:
- Alec Bradley – Vice Press (Reviewed in 2010)
- Ashton VSG (Reviewed in 2008)
- Beginner Basics with Tom and Ed (Conducted in 2008)
- Camacho 10th Anniversary (Reviewed in 2008)
- Camacho Liberty – 2007 Release (Reviewed in 2008)
- Camacho Triple Maduro (Reviewed in 2008)
- Canimao (Reviewed in 2008)
- Casa Magna (Reviewed in 2009)
- Cifuegos by Reyes Family (Reviewed in 2008)
- Dona Flor (Reviewed in 2008)
- Dona Flor – Selecao (Reviewed in 2009)
- Exile Cigars (Reviewed in 2008)
- Felipe Gregorio – Power (Reviewed in 2008)
- Fuente Fuente Opus X (Reviewed in 2008)
- Gurkha – Gengis Khan (Reviewed in 2008)
- Interview with Jose Ortega (Formerly of Reyes Family Cigars) (Conducted in 2008)
- La Flor Domnicana – Coronado (Reviewed in 2010)
- Macanudo 1968 (Reviewed in 2008)
- My Father Le Bijou (Reviewed in 2011)
- Perdomo 10th Anniversary Criollo (Reviewed in 2009)
- Por Larranaga (Reviewed in 2008)
- Punch Rare Corojo 2009 Release (Reviewed in 2009)
- Reyes Family Premier (Reviewed in 2008)
- Top Cigars – Criollo (Reviewed in 2009)
- Your Questions, My Answers – Episode 30 (Conducted in 2008)
We would like to say Thank You to both Tom and Ed. They have not only provided some great content for the viewing pleasure of our Stogie Review Visitors, they have been friends as well. We all look forward to all of their future reviews, which are always welcome
This is a great post! Tom & Ed are very cool dudes!!!
Absolutely, a big thumbs up for Tom and Ed. Entertaining, and no BS – they really let you know what they think. Tom’s got a great site. I need to visit it more often.
Thanks guys!
Always enjoyed their reviews, both seem like great guys.
Wow thanks for the shout out! It’s always a pleasure stopping by and doing a review for StogieReview.
I think you get the point, which is all of us helping each other out. No competition exists between the various cigar blogs out there. Sure the sites will come and go, but a few stick around for the long haul.
StogieReview is the original cigar blog beoches!
Thanks for the funny and educative reviews T & E!
I have met both Tom & Ed and have had the opportunity to chat with them several times. Good guys! I visit Tom’s site often and I have learned quite a bit from both the written and video reviews. Ed’s new cigar shop is great – welcoming, comfortable and a vast selection of cigars. Way to go Tom’s Cigars and Stogie Review!!
I, too, enjoy and learn from Tom Eds work tremendously. I visited Eds shop a month or two ago and agree completely with JohnG. Its a great place — warm, inviting and with a fine selection of cigars. And Ed couldnt have been more welcoming.
Tom and Ed are awesome!
Tom and Ed are ok… 😉 lol
Thanks guys for being our partners all these years!
I like Ed. I don’t about that Tom character he looks like a girl lol. Nice post Tom & Ed are always very entertaining. Can’t wait to see what the future holds
Well done!! Very classy to spread the blogger love around!
Love Tom and Ed. I wish there were more reviews by them. I also wish I could make down to St. Pete more often. I used to go at least once or twice a year, but haven’t been there since 06. Next time I’m down that way I’m checking out Ed’s new place.
I wish I were closer to Ed’s shop. I’d go there all the time. I wish they did videos more often.
Is Tom what Mike is gonna look like when/if he grows up??